Central Data Validation

Real-time validation is the brand new method of data cleansing that, in a preventive way, monitors and corrects master data prior to entry and storage into the database. Quality Monitor is a proprietary tool based on step-by-step methodology that offers entry opportunities for companies situated on different levels from a data quality point of view. The solution puts an end to the idea that data cleansing activity needs to be performed again and again from time to time. As a unique tool on the market, it offers a solution to the creation of perfect quality data.

How it works

Comprehensive Data Quality Assessment

Comprehensive Data Quality Assessment

  • Assessing the company’s current data quality level
  • Identifying current data quality problems and defining tasks to be performed
  • The customer receives a data quality assessment report document about current data quality level and issues
  • Requires minimal time, usually only a few weeks

Data Cleansing and Deduplication

Data Cleansing and Deduplication

  • Combines automated (and manual) data cleansing methods, deduplication processes or data enrichment tasks to reach high level of data quality
  • Understanding unique customer needs, data quality expectations through consultations
  • Non-conformities (like data errors, data gaps, duplicates) are resolved
  • Clean data state is achieved

Ensuring continuous data quality

Ensuring continuous data quality

  • Implementing our iQualidator real-time data validation solution on the online data entry points and the offline batch interfaces
  • Data entry points and data channels are correctly configured, monitored and corrected all in the same way and with the same methodologies
  • Continuously correct and duplicate-free data quality is ensured prior to entry and storage into the database, in a preventive way
  • Regular reports to prove the success of the implementation


Data Cleansing

Detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a record set, table or database with algorithmic tests (where data is inferred using mathematical algorithms), as well as comparing data to a valid reference database and determining the correct value based on the comparison.

Name Cleansing

Fixing incorrectly entered names and consolidating incorrect formats helps to achieve even higher data quality.
In our solution, full names are divided into elements (prefix, first name, last name, etc.) and then each item is individually corrected according to its format rules.

Address Cleansing

During address cleaning, addresses are first converted to a uniform format, then various correcting processes are run: bugs and typing errors are corrected, defects are supplemented, abbreviations are resolved, old street names are replaced by the current one. With this service, the shortcuts and obsolescence of the address lists can be eliminated.

E-mail Cleansing

E-mail addresses stored in the database might be flawed due to recording or typing errors.
To repair e-mail addresses, both algorithmic processing and comparison with a reference database can be performed.

Verifying Identifiers

Currently our solution is optimised for Hungarian identifiers, such as personal identification documents (identity card number, passport number), other identifiers (tax identification number), business identifiers (tax number, company registration number) and bank account numbers, which can be partially verified algorithmically with the help of a reference dictionary.

Identifying and Resolving Duplicates

Using a dedicated algorithm, we find records that happen to describe the same entity: person, product, etc. We assign a duplicate identifier for each of these duplicate groups. We select the record to be retained in each duplicate group, and the rest will be eliminated. The selection of the record to be retained is made by identifying the record with highest overall data quality.

Are you interested in the detailed operation of our data cleansing & data validation solution? If you would like to know more about how we can improve your company’s data quality, request our whitepaper by clicking on “Learn more about our solution” button. 

If you are just looking for some help on how to achieve success in data cleansing independently or in-house, don’t miss to download our FREE guideline with great ideas and best practices in this topic. Get this helpful document by clicking on “Download free best practices” button.

Advantages of data cleansing


                    Increase in revenue


                    Increase in efficiency


                    Increase in customer satisfaction


                   Better decisions

Successfully resolved business problems


   Increased efficiency of sales processes by providing the correct contact data


   More efficient up-sell and cross sell campaigns by resolving duplicates


   Significant decrease in number of documents sent to the wrong address, thus resolving related incidents


   Improved customer experience by managing all cases of one customer together


   Increased efficiency in recovery and penalty notices because of better quality customer data


   Contribution to GDPR compliance, increased accuracy in reporting

What is the cost of data cleansing? How does a project like this take place? Request a customized offer for your company today!

About us

DSS Consulting Ltd. has been providing IT services for large enterprises for 20 years. Our customers consist of both Hungarian and other, international partners (German, Swedish, Swiss, American). Our most significant competences include data cleansing, custom software development, data warehouse development and BI, software quality assurance, IT consulting and GDPR solutions. Read more about our services on www.dss.hu  



International outlook

Total Information Quality Management (TIQM) TIQM (previously TQdM - Total Quality data Management) the information quality assurance methodology for data…


One of the most important goals of data cleaning is to detect and process duplicates. When we talk about duplication…

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